Home > Structure > English > special tags > normal parser > factimage > showevenifhidden

<factimage 123456.0 editinclude="1" nodelete="0" showevenifhidden="1"/>


When the image is set to be editable and the delete function is allowed, by using the attribute 'showevenifhidden' you can define if the image should be shown, even it is hidden, or not. By this token, you can use value 1 to always show the image and value 0 to hide the image.

Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices (factline5)
factID: 1459745.4 (...history); published on 20 Apr. 2010 10:43
Referers (1):
factimage20 Apr. 2010