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The item 'Versuch' of type text has been modified by user 'factline' on 28 Oct. 2010 15:25.Versuch15 y.factline1538180.328 Oct. 2010 15:25
A new item 'xx' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 20 Sep. 2010 16:30.xx15 y.maxharn1524077.120 Sep. 2010 16:30
A new item 'wolke' of type Folder has been created by user 'maxharn' on 20 Sep. 2010 16:29.wolke15 y.maxharn1524075.120 Sep. 2010 16:29
The item 'all about sunshine' of type text has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 26 Feb. 2010 17:06.all about sunshine15 y.maxharn1441292.226 Feb. 2010 17:06
A new item 'dtmesse.pdf' of type file has been created by user 'maxharn' on 14 Jan. 2010 15:15.dtmesse.pdf15 y.maxharn1421361.114 Jan. 2010 15:15
The item 'Gewerke' of type Folder has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 14 Jan. 2010 15:14.Gewerke15 y.maxharn1348831.114 Jan. 2010 15:14
A new item 'Protokoll' of type Folder has been created by user 'maxharn' on 14 Jan. 2010 15:13.Protokoll15 y.maxharn1421359.114 Jan. 2010 15:13
A new item 'Architekt' of type Folder has been created by user 'maxharn' on 14 Jan. 2010 15:12.Architekt15 y.maxharn1421358.114 Jan. 2010 15:12
A new item 'ssdfsdf' of type text has been created by user 'factline' on 02 Sep. 2009 16:17.ssdfsdf16 y.factline1369112.102 Sep. 2009 16:17
The item 'Schriftstücke' of type Folder has been modified by user 'factline' on 27 Jul. 2009 14:31.Schriftstücke16 y.factline1348909.127 Jul. 2009 14:31