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In which groups am I?

You can have several groups assigned. The usage rights that you have are a sum of the rights of all groups that you are member of. In order to get a list of your groups, click on the "Settings" link. There you'll see in which groups on this platform you're member of. You'll also find there a list of memberships of groups from another platforms and their names.


settings_list_of_groups.PNG - 1547125.1


For more specific information please contact your platform administrator.


allgemein - pfeil links - 236705.2 back

Author: Diana Filipova, CK; Copyright: factline; Published by: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 147424.3 (...history); published on 25 Nov. 2010 10:50
Structure  >  English  >  FAQ  >  FAQ users