factline Webservices GmbH
Praterstraße 15/4/15, A-1020 Wien
tel: +43-1-218 85 03
fax: +43-1-218 85 02
General terms and conditions (AGB) (Word-Document, 160kB)
chief executive officers:
Mag. Liselotte Krisper, born 28. 10. 1966
Mag. Maximilian Harnoncourt, born 14. 5. 1971
Paul Meinl, born 22. 3. 1975
address of service and commercial register court:
Handelsgericht Wien
Riemergasse 7
1010 Vienny, Austria
number of commercial registration: FN 221556v
UID Nummer: ATU52898609
bank connection:
Bank Austria BLZ 12000
bank account 50145693100
IBAN: AT46 1200 0501 4569 3100
UID: ATU57603828
member of
Fachgruppe Unternehmensberatung & Informationstechnologie
Sektion Gewerbe, Handwerk, Dienstleistung
der Wirtschaftskammer Wien