factline Webservices GmbH
Praterstrasse 15/3/22
1020 Wien
tel +43-1-218 85 03
fax +43-1-218 85 03-19
general terms and conditions: PDF (93 KB)
chief executive officers:
Mag. Liselotte Krisper, born 28.10.1966
Mag. Maximilian Harnoncourt, born 14.5.1971
Paul Meinl, born 22.3.1975
address of service and commercial register court:
Handelsgericht Wien
Riemergasse 7
1010 Vienny, Austria
number of commercial registration: FN 221556v
UID Nummer: ATU52898609
bank connection:
Bank Austria BLZ 12000
bank account 50145693100
IBAN: AT46 1200 0501 4569 3100
UID: ATU57603828
basic line:
The website offers information on the products, solutions, services and activities of factline Webservices GmbH. In addition, information on the topics "knowledge and information management", "distributed knowledge work", "virtual knowledge community" and "lifelong learning" is presented.
member of
Fachgruppe Unternehmensberatung & Informationstechnologie
Sektion Gewerbe, Handwerk, Dienstleistung
der Wirtschaftskammer Wien