High-context and low-context communication styles
Differences in high-context and low-context communication styles across
cultures influence the way people perceive information.
Date: June 2005
Communication is an important part of everyday life and, as such, present at all
times. However, its perpetual presence often implies simplicity and mutual
understanding. Such forgone conclusions have put businessmen around the
world into numerous delicate situations. Many of these situations have provided
the basis for, more or less helpful, books on cultural etiquette. After having read
various guidebooks on how to behave on a businesstrip to a foreign country,
one question still remains: What is the source of cultural misunderstandings?
The anthropologists Edward T.Hall and Geert Hofstede conducted most of the
research on cultural differences in communication. As it is a vast topic, this
seminar paper will focus on the differences in high-context and low-context
communication styles across cultures and their influence on the way people
perceive information. In order to create a common understanding, the first part
of the seminar paper will deal with the definition of used terms. The second part
will provide information on the role of culture in communication. At this point,
culturally affected areas of communication will be identified. Furthermore, the
differences in communication styles, as well as the perception of information
across cultures will be described. The last chapter will be dedicated to the main
causes for intercultural misunderstandings.