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Use of the Module Tags Userlist
Names Username E-mail Telephone
Boyan Filipov factline1 boyan@filipov.info +43 1 2188503 10 (office) 
Böyan Filipov ignis boyan@filipov.info 0699 12650031 (Mobile), 01 2188510 (Office) 
Christian Bablick cbablick1 christian.bablick@dokspace.com +436644543259 (Mobile) 
Christian Bablick cbablick christian.bablick@dokspace.com +43 (0) 6644543259 (Privat) 
Christine Hoffmann ChristineHoffmann christine.hoffmann@factline.com +49304264164 (Festnetz), 015205665490 (Mobil), +49 (30) 38104215 (Internet (VoIP)) 
Christoph Kratochvil Annoth christoph.kratochvil@factline.com  
Diana Filipova diangel diana.filipova@factline.com  
factline Webservices GmbH factline max.harnoncourt@factline.com +43(1)2188503 (Büro) 
factline Webservices GmbH factline_support support@factline.com  
factline Webservices GmbH factline2 support@factline.com +43 (0) 699 17259403 (Mobil) 
factline Webscervices GmbH factline7 sebastian.dumbs@factline.com  
factline factline factline16 support@factline.com  
factline Webservices factline8 christoph.kratochvil@factline.com  
factline GmbH factline6 support@factline.com  
factline Webservices factline5 metodi.sabev@factline.com  
Ivo Marinov factline3 marinoff@factline.com +359 883 570 903 (mobile) 
Ivo Marinov neo ivo.marinoff@gmail.com +43 680 50 60 400 (Mobile) 
Klaus Ita klausimausi klaus.ita@worstofall.com  
Lotte Krisper lotte lotte@krisper.com 0680 2103128 (Mobil (in Notfällen)) 
Manuel Schuler mschul manuel.p.schuler@gmail.com 0660 73 74 538 (Cellphone) 
Max Harnoncourt maxharn max.harnoncourt@factline.com +43 (669) 15 00 44 04 (Mobil), +43 (1) 218 85 03-18 (Office) 
maximilian harnoncourt maxharn1 harnoncourt@factline.com  
Meter Mtvös slengteng meter.mtvoes@me.com  
Paul Meinl pmeinl paul.meinl@factline.com  
Webservices factline 4 factline4 christian.bablick@factline.com +43 699 11561156 (mobile), +43 664 4543259 (private) 

Table above represents a list of all members of group Administrators on this platform.

Here is the HTML code and the styles used to create the list.

For further information, please visit: Userlist/Usergroup tags


<html><advancedparser/><loadmodule userslist/>
<style type="text/css">


border-collapse: collapse;

border-color: #FDA32F;



table.userlist tr th

{color: white;

background-color: #FDA32F;

font-size: 12px;padding: 4px;

table.userlist tr td{

padding: 6px;

border-color: #FDA32F;



table.userlist tr{

border-color: #FDA32F;



table.userlist tbody {

border-color: inherit;

display: table-row-group;

vertical-align: middle;


<table class="userlist" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody>


<th NOWRAP><b>Names</b></th> 

 <th NOWRAP><b>Username</b></th>  

<th NOWRAP><b>E-mail</b></th>  

<th NOWRAP><b>Telephone</b></th> </tr>

<foreach userslist groupid="8237" orderby="firstname">

<tr>  <td NOWRAP><b><firstname/> <lastname/></b></td>  

<td NOWRAP><linkto><b><username/></b></linkto></td>  

<td NOWRAP><a href="mailto:<email/>"><email/></a></td>  

<td NOWRAP><telephones/>&nbsp;</td></tr>



AutorIn: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 1544791.9 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 16 Nov. 2010 16:11
struktur  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  HowTo