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Tags used in the email templates

When modifying the email templates, you can use the following tags in the fields "Sender namaes", "Subject" and "Body":

<platformname/>plataform name, as seen in sadmin
<platformid/> the forumid of the platform
<platformurl/>the default platform startpage url
<username/>details of the user, if user is relevant for the template
<email/>email of the user
<firstname/>user's first name
<lastname/>user's last name
name of the company, if specified
<password/>only available in the registration-welcome


AutorIn: factline factline; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Webservices factline 4 (factline4)
factID: 1402223.1; Publiziert am 10 Nov. 2009 18:26
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