Social Media in the Enterprise
According to a US-study on the awareness and use of social media we are at the beginning or better in the midst of a broad acceptance in the corporate world. The statistically valid (=representative) survey of the Fortune 500 in the USA concludes:(The Hype is Real, PDF) This research proves conclusively that social media is coming to the business world at a faster rate than many anticipated. It also indicates that corporate familiarity and usage of social media is racing far ahead of what many have predicted. 42% of the respondents know social networking sites like LinkedIn or MySpace . More than 25 % claim that social software is very important for their business. That's something. You might wonder what it is that is supported by those new tools. While this is not easily answered it is impressing at what rate social software (or better online communication tools) is used in the Fortune 500 corporations.

factID: 279958.1; Publiziert am 29 Jän. 2007 16:52
Leave the bunker
Following this wise statement. For Success in the Enterprise, Think Platform:Software architecture is an unintended consequence of social architecture, Smith says. If you have a dysfunctional organization, and you build software to align with it, youre going to get dysfunctional software. We need to go in with our eyes open and understand. This may exacerbate issues. Dont expect putting new technology is going to change that. it often exacerbates issues. Joe McKendrick is referring to David M. Smith from Gartner and discusses briefly the difference of SOA and Web 2.0 in terms of customer acceptance. The latter requires less changes in the business processes and therefore is more easily deployable.
That might be true but think of Smith's notion of the paradigm shift that's underway and not easily digested, accepted and utilized. This paradigm shift is about a move from monolithic platforms that reside in the bunkers of corporations to the web as a platform. This is an important issue especially relevant for SMEs, I think. If you conceive of the web as platform that hosts your business tools than you have to grasp the idea of a virtual and distributed platform. You don't put it somewhere although you can host parts of the internet on your premises - as long as those servers are connected to the rest of the network you can harness its benefits. The success factor of a platform is its ability to accommodate an ecosystem. That means think precisely how your platform (this small part of the internet) supports exchange and conversation based on open standards.
factID: 279721.1; Publiziert am 26 Jän. 2007 10:36
Kreativität 2.0 (via Metadaten)
Das ganz untenstehende Zitat zeigt recht anschaulich, wo die Grenzen innovativer Ansätze sind. Jedes Web 2.0 / Social Software Projekt ist abhängig von einem Change-Prozess innerhalb der jeweiligen Organisation. Eine der Kernaussagen mit Perspektive ist, die Konsumenten von Informationssystemen in die Ökologie des Gesamtsystems einzubeziehen und deren Aktivitäten sichtbar zu machen. Sichtbar machen heisst in diesem Fall zu verstehen, dass auch das Lesen bzw. Navigieren ein kreativer Akt ist. Das ist vergleichbar mit dem Muster, welches wir von Amazon kennen - Automated Collaborative Filtering - durch das Sichtbarmachen der Spuren, die eine Userin in einem Informationssystem hinterläßt wird ein Wissen geschaffen, welches mitunter wertvoller ist als das vermeintlich kreative Verfassen von Inhalten.
Den Wert des Spurenlegens hat Vannevar Bush in seinem legendärem Essay "As we may think" im Jahre 1945 herausgestrichen.
Moreover, when numerous items have been thus joined together to form a trail, they can be reviewed in turn, rapidly or slowly, by deflecting a lever like that used for turning the pages of a book. It is exactly as though the physical items had been gathered together to form a new book. It is more than this, for any item can be joined into numerous trails. (V. Bush, "As we may think" Zurück in die Gegenwart: es geht darum die Silos in den Organisationen zu öffnen und die Kommunikation querbeet zu unterstützen. Eine Enterprise-Software 2.0 muss daher die Konsumation von Informationen via der Sichtbarmachung von Metadaten kreativ machen.
Enterprise 2.0 Tools Don't Address The Politics Of KM I was reviewing an enterprise wiki implementation recently. This is a group that had impact across the organization on multiple divisions. The wiki was great. The customizations were great. But the people aspect had the 1.0 hangover. Only members of this group had access to the wiki while the implications of the knowledge that gets created was enterprise wide . This seems to be a common problem in many organizations experimenting with Enterprise 2.0. Its not about deploying tools; its about breaking silos and allowing a "true" read-write web to emerge. Groups that are primarily considered to be knowledge consumers need to be included in the new web of participation for true value to emerge. Enterprise 2.0 ecosystems , though bottom-up could still create silos of knowledge unless we proactively evangelize the fact that knowledge consumers are also knowledge producers. In a typical software company this could mean that a Wiki that the Quality group sets up needs to be open to the delivery teams for true knowldge churn to happen. Otherwise we have a new silo, accerlated by Enterprise 2.0 tools.
factID: 279368.4 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 22 Jän. 2007 22:22
After Email
At e-week you'll find an enlightening article on the benefits of using RSS instead of email for efficient communication especially within a business context.
RSS Offers Relief from Enterprise E-Mail Overload: 'Even though it's a consumer-driven technology, it may have more benefit for a company than for an individual user. It helps streamline existing forms of communication, so a company will see benefit right away,' said Oliver Young, an analyst at Forrester Research. 'It can mean more efficient use of e-mail. It's geared toward timeliness and what needs more, or less, attention. RSS can really drive benefit that way.' A long-time favorite topic of mine is visibility as a central means of efficient communication and knowledge sharing. While email accelerates the distribution of information it - by the same token - not only fills your inbox rapidly it also obfuscates itself. Items in your inbox do not provide context and/or a place to make sense of information.
Having that said I think it's necessary to state that e-mail will be with us for a long time. And that it still is an excellent business tool - but and that's for sure we are heading into a different paradigm. A paradigm that makes usage of different web-based communications tools like: wikis, weblogs, aso.
RSS itself could run into the same risks if it is just another IMAP-folder in your e-mail software - although by using RSS you can get rid of spam. The very value of RSS is recognizable if you use this webservice as a tool to make data and information visible - be it on your intranet or on your website. The moment data starts wandering and doing that visibly we will have a place to gather and communicate.
factID: 278943.1; Publiziert am 18 Jän. 2007 19:20
factline goes Web 2.0
2007 bringt nicht nur eine neue Regierung für Österreich, nein beinahe größere Dinge geraten in Bewegung.  factline wird einen großen Schritt in die Zukunft machen. Basierend auf einem bewährten Enterprise Content Management und hypermedialen Collaboration Tool, dem factline Community Server, werden in den nächsten Monaten relevante Social Software und Web 2.0 Elemente intergriert werden. Meine Aufgabe wird es sein, diesen Prozess gemeinsam mit dem Team von factline umzusetzen. Am Ende wird eine völlig neue Dimensionen einer Enterprise-Lösung stehen. Eine Lösung, die nicht nur die Effizienz und Einfachheit von Web 2.0 repräsentiert, sondern im Besonderen den Bedürfnissen von Unternehmen Rechnung trägt.
Ich, bin seit 2002 fest mit der internationalen Social Software Szene vernetzt, Initiator der Konferenz BlogTalk, Gründer des Social Software Labs, Architekt der Social Software Suite NEXTspace und war davor 8 Jahre Leiter des Zentrums für Neuen Medien an der Donau-Uni Krems. Details zu mir bzw. in meinem Weblog randgaenge.
Hier an dieser Stelle, dem neu geschaffenen Weblog von factline, wird es Einblicke in unsere Werkstatt geben, Kommentare zu Themen, die für unsere Kundinnen und für uns von Interesse sind. Vieles davon wird auf englisch sein, das ist die Sprache in der die wichtigen Entwicklungen sowohl technologische als auch organisatorisch stattfinden. factlines wird durchaus persönliche Einschätzungen bringen, die zunächst mal die Meinung des jeweiligen Autors wiedergeben.
Ja, es wird mehrere Autorinnen geben. Ja, wir werden regelmäßig posten. Ja, wir freuen uns über Kommentare und Feedback. Ja, ich werde mein Weblog randgaenge wie bisher betreiben.
In diesem Sinne, willkommen beim factline weblog!
factID: 278639.9 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 17 Jän. 2007 15:03
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