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performing installations


  Evakuierung-Sammelpunkt - 1602648.1


20./21./22. May 2011



18:00 - 22:30


evacuation room_6(c)peller - 1602627.1


Borderline situations of the technological human, in the stopgap of surviving.

Evacuation Room 01-04 was realized referring to the catastrophies 2011 in Japan.
In a highly technological society - that pretends to guarantee boundless possibilities and freedom -
the modern human is facing his limits and is again confronted with the growing reality
of provisional arrangements and the state of emergencies.




works showing differnet strategies of surviving





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01  EVACUATION ROOM – living installation


Instant soup for welcoming - collective point - mats,mattresses, sleeping bags - the windows are darkened, shut down. No intervisibility to the outer world.

People gather around the nutrition ressources, others sleep, no one has badges or other devices to show authority - self organisation .

People come closer in times of emergency.


The living Installation EVACUATION ROOM  stages the provisional arrangement of surviving.

The staging area is reffering to an abstract outer threat.


The permanent clicking of the Geiger counter is as frightening like a time bombe as paradoixially soothing like the sound of waves at the same time.


News are delivering facts  - but the reality is not emotionally comprehensible.

What has happened no one can reverse. The threat is invisible but omnipresent.

Whatever has to be done, you do - everyone does his best -  in his way.




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  living space installation by

   Aiko/Kazuko Kurosaki (concept, dance)
   Thomas J. Jelinek (concept)
   Andrea Peller (visuals)
   Franz Sramek (sound)





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    02  RATS    



            desert the sinking ship>




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Die Ratten stehen in dieser Arbeit für mich an der Stelle der Gedanken und Ideen, die mich beschäftigen, die Einflüsse von Außen […] und die Existenzängste, die mich im Zuge meines künstlerischen Daseins immer wieder einholen.


[…] Im Kontext zu den aktuellsten Begebenheiten entsteht ein Wirlbel, ein Wechselspiel an Gedanken und Informationen welche Fragestellungen auslösen die mich als Einzelperson und Künstlerin zu Fall bringen können.




Auszug aus dem Text zur Installation


Kerstin Bennier










Der Ausspruch „Die Ratten verlassen das sinkende Schiff“ ist eine Umschreibung der Tatsache, daß Ratten an Bord eines Schiffes versuchen, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen, wenn dieses - etwa aufgrund der Löcher, die sie selbst in den Rumpf genagt haben - unterzugehen droht. Der Sinn wird auf Menschen übertragen, die vor einer kniffligen oder gefährlichen Situation, die sie möglicherweise selbst verursacht haben, zu fliehen versuchen, wenn diese sich langsam abzeichnet.











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Kerstin Bennier


    03  HANGMAN    



HANGMAN / Yasuko Yokoshi (director) / V将アrit将アDrama


Performance artist 。ネ Kubikukuri Takuzo 。ノ (Hangman Takuzo) hangs himself from a tree for a small audience (or usually no audience) in his own garden at home in the outskirts of Tokyo. He calls it a 。ネ Garden Theater 。ノ and presenting it everyday for the past seven years.


The movie 。ネ Hangman 。ノ features himself, the legendary dance artist, Mika Kurosawa (Hangman’s girlfriend) and the unforgettable 72-year old Namiko Kawamura, who is known for her Zenshin-Hoko (Naked-Walking-Forward) performance.






Japanese choreographer, Yasuko Yokoshi who resides in NY USA, is making a new film collaborating with her friends in Tokyo. Together they attempt an impossible mission, without any experience or knowledge of film making, yet creating a fake dance-drama-documentary. Hangman is scheduled to be complete in August 2011.


The video/installation is contributed by Regina Picker kindly permitted by the director Yasuko Yokoshi.



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ongoing Exhibition by

Andra Peller


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