!!! ACHTUNG Sie befinden sich auf der historischen factline-Website! Hier geht es zur aktuellen Website !!!
press area
Download of documents/product sheets
product sheets
format: Adobe pdf
factline platform product sheet
e-portfolio (English)
e-learning plattform (English)
project platform (English)
knowledge platform (German)
customer platform (German)
topic platform (German)
factchat (English)
logos for high quality print results
factline logo (for print)
format: EPS
colour: 4C
width: 30mm
factline logo (for print)
format: EPS
colour: 4C
width: 60mm
factline logo (for print)
format: EPS
colour: SW
width: 30mm
factline logo (for print)
format: EPS
colour: SW
width: 60mm
logos for www (for the screen)
factline logo (for screen)
format: GIF
colour: 4C, RGB
width: 200px
factline logo (for screen)
format: GIF
colour: 4C, RGB
width: 500px
factchat logo (for screen)
format: GIF
colour: 4C, RGB
width: 200px
factforum logo (for screen)
format: GIF
colour: 4C, RGB
width: 200px
factchat "Chat in time and space" image
factchat image
format: JPG
colour: 4C, RGB
width: 500px
factchat image
format: JPG
colour: 4C, RGB
width: 800px
factchat image
format: JPG
colour: CMYK
width: 1500px
Publiziert von: Angela Gamsriegler (gamsrieglera)
); Publiziert am
06 Nov. 2006 12:24
English - EN
Referers (1):
06 Dec. 2014