Economic area Vienna-Bratislava
Bilingual platform for the economic area Vienna-Bratislava. The platform is managed by the department for foreign trade of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. It provides users with extensive information as well as the possibility to search for business partners.
Hauska & Partner
Content planning and technical realisation of the international web presence.
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POSEIDON - Partnership
EU-Project on regional neighbourhood management with 6 national partners. At first, existing methods and experiences are exchanged. Subsequently, new developments are encouraged.
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Vienna, Lower Austria
VWG offers business training programmes for schools and companies. Among their target groups are teachers, students, managers and apprentices.
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Fernwärmeleitung Nord/West - Construction site information
"Fernwärme Wien" uses FCS-weblog to give information on the progress at the construction site of the new heat pipe, which will provide the buildings of the 20th and 21st district with heating.
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Widhalm Consulting
Widhalm offers consulting and services for data management, trademark right, information procurement as well as project consulting for EU-projects.
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Pimex Network
Pimex Network is working on a common strategy concerning the development of the PIMEX method as a part of a new prevention policy.
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High Potential Network
High Potential Network serves as an active and coordinating interface for young and successful people
all around the world.
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EUROCARE 2000 Support for funding
European Project on Conservation - Restoration - Maintenance
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EU Project
Logos Gaias
A platform including support was provided for the project co-ordination and documentation
of the Leonardo Da Vinci - Project "Logos Gaias".
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teco7 training
A platform and community about new training methods developed for young athletes (supported by UEFA).
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Notar Dr. Schweinhammer
Based on FCS, a customer platform was created for notary Dr. Schweinhammer.
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Weikom & Network
factline made the design and layout for the website of Weikom & Network.
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Project platform and website for the discussion forum KOMMUNIKATE.
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This platform informs about apitherapy, recent developments in this area and projects of the
national park "Bienenwirte WABE".
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Del Fabro customer platform
Based on FCS, a combination of a website and a customer platform was created for the beverage wholesaler Del Fabro.
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Die Marchfeldschrammeln
Website of the "Marchfeldschrammeln". This ensemble plays classical Viennese
music in the traditional Schrammel-instrumentation.
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ASC Wien
The Academic Skiclub of Vienna manages its internal and external communication with an FCS platform.
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Institut für Logotherapie
The institute uses an FCS platform for virtual support for the vocational training programme "Logotherapie".
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TOP - True Online Publishing
On this platform, Mag.(FH) Sebastian Udulutsch presents his diploma thesis
about the "TOP" (True Online Publishing) concept of factline.
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Chat Themenplattform
A platform about the scientific debate on using chat in business surroundings.
Among other things, all conversations of the Chat Symposium 2003 are collected.
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OH Services
Organization of the "One Health Forum", a platform centered around the topic of health promotion.
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