Design of the System
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The design of FCS platforms greatly differs from common software products.
Therefore, it is essential to understand the basic design of the system.
Each FCS platform disposes of an individually selected choice of so-called "Content Services". Upon request, services can be activated and deactivated later on.
Basically, services allow
you to publish different types
of content (e.g. a text, a file, a picture). Subsequently, each service
allows for a distinctive presentation of content types. As a result,
a normal text looks different from a picture.
Each content item is referred to as a "fact".
All facts of a particular service
are saved in seperated repositories called "service filings". The
repositories can be accessed via the main menu or the service box in the options area.
The service "Structure" consists
of folders which can be organised hierarchically. Folders can be used
to order facts thematically.
Folders always contain shortcuts. Basically, a
shortcut is a link to an original fact which is stored in the
respective service filing. Subsequently, it is possible to assign one
fact to several different folders.