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Create a factlink

(1) Direct your cursor to the desired position or highlight a word which you want to link.

Click on the button tinymce_icon_factlink.png - 1123596.2.

(3) A new window opens.

  Factlink - 1121112.2

(4) Now, you have five possibilities to create a factlink:
1st possibility
Insert the infoID of the fact you want to link to
and click on "Create link".
2nd possibility
Enter a keyword in "Search fact" of the fact you want to link to
and click on "Go". Select the appropriate fact
from the list of results by clicking on it.
3rd possibility

Use the folders in "Browse structure" to navigate to the fact you want

to link to and click on the title of the fact.

4th possibility
Choose a fact from the latest changes by
clicking on its title.
5th possibility
Choose a fact from the last seen facts by clicking.

(5) The infoID of the selected fact appears in the position selected previously. In the final view, the title of the fact will be displayed automatically.

Autor: Angela Gamsriegler, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline Webservices GmbH (factline)
factID: 210812.6 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 03 Okt. 2007 15:34
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