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Where is the difference between Text and News?
"Text" and "News" are two different and they differ between each other in three aspects:

1) Input:
Service "Text" allows free texts to be entered, and formatted in any desired way.
Service "News" offers a predefined input form. This enables easy standardized input of specific data.

2)View (full text):
"Text"-facts can from the content in format and design very much differ from each other.
"News"-facts begin with a standardized listing of specific data. Still subsequently additional free text can be written.

3) Lists (title):
Facts (all fact types) can be thematically structured in folders in Structure, or can be viewed in a sorted list in the appropriate service area (all facts of the same type).

Listing in the service:
In general every list in each service can be sorted according to the metadata (editor, title, date …).
The service News (as well as Events, Links, Library) additionally offer an extra filter by topic. This way the titles list can be filtered by a pre-defined type. In additionally, News (and Events), can be filtered by certain time periods.

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Author: Diana Filipova, CK; Copyright: factline; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (dokspace2)
factID: 147780.3 (...history); published on 10 Sep. 2007 10:41
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