With the functionality "Send to a friend" users on your platform are enabled to send facts either to other users, to a group of users or to an e-mail address.
Working steps:
|1| Choose "Interface“ in the main menu.
|2| Then click the "modify“-button in the row "Advanced page layout configuration".

|3| Fix necessary settings in the "SEND TO A FRIEND INTERFACES" area .

Display form for these services: |
Choose the fact-types you'd like to equip with the sending tool.
Allow sending to a user: |
Choose if it should be possible to key in the username for sending a fact.
Allow sending to a group:
Enable sending a fact to a whole group.
Allow sending to an e-mail: |
Enable sending a fact to an e-mail address with this checkbox.
Include fact's content: |
Enables sending the fact-content via e-mail. Text and images wi
ll be displayed in the e-mail directly, files are ready for downloading.
Form title: |
Enter optionally a form title.
Form always open:
Check this box if you want to have the e-mail form opened at any time. Otherwise a red link (left - under the meta information) appears to click on.
E-mail subject: |
Enter a subject here . If not "fact erhalten: <title>" appears by default.
E-mail body: |
Here you have the possibility to change the following standard body.
<body style="font-family: sans-serif">Sehr geehrte/r <b><recepient></b>,<br/>
Der User <b><firstname> <lastname></b> hat Ihnen folgendes fact via Email geschickt:<br/>
<a href="<facturl>"><facturl></a></a><br/>
<hr size="1">
<hr size="1">
Um dieses fact ansehen zu können, klicken Sie untenstehenden Link. Sollte das nicht funktionieren, kopieren Sie die untenstehende Url und fügen Sie diese in die Adresszeile Ihres Browsers ein.<br/>
<a href="<platformurl>"><platformurl></a></a></body>
|4| With "Save changes" all your settings are fixed.