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AIKO/Kazuko Kurosaki

born in Tokyo
choreographer and dancer

K. Kurosaki - 247536.1

Coaching and administration of the dance section / LABfactory 

Studied music and dance in Vienna.
Stipendiary for dance in Chicago.
Long-time assistence - and teaching activity.
Member of the Butoh dance company
ARIADONE by Carlotta Ikeda
from 1991-98. Scores of performances on several festivals

(from the festival of modern art/Bozen to TRANSART festival/croatia).
Soloperformances, cross-border works – space installations, video.

Cooperation with directors (T. J. Jelinek, M. Gruber) theoreticians
and visual artists, musicians ( Lore Heuermann, Katherina Zakravsky,Yuko Gulda et al.)
Works and teaches in the LABfactory/Vienna since 2002, since 2008 also teaching at

di:´Angewandte Vienna (University for applied arts)

Mother of four children and married with Thomas J.Jelinek

Latest works:
2009 interdisciplinary display poject <no comment> and <no comment+>at the

         LABfactory / Vienna

2010 <Präformance> in collaboration with Barbara Husar and Nicole Bickel

           Galerie Konzett / Vienna

        <Quod erat demonstrandum:Parasites Kiss> with K.Zakravsky and B.Wilfing

          at Tanzquartier Wien

         <Cooking conference / MISU> living installation / solo performance at the Q202


         <Tsuru> presentation and performance for Artinmigration (art magazin)

         <Unternehmen Mutterschiff> performance with Vanja Fuchs at the Kubus Valie Export

           festival <Soho in Ottakring>, Vienna



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