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Create an itemtemplate

The itemtemplate itself is created as an ordinary fact.


(1) .


(2) Convert to HTML-mode.


(3) Write the code into the text field. The user can write his own css-code to define the style of the template and use the assigned tags to configure which information should be extracted from the included fact.


The template fact can contain tags like:


<title/> Defines if the template should contain the title of the included fact.
<text cuttext="200"/> Defines what part of the text from the included fact should be displayed.
<image/> Defines if the template should display the first found image in the included fact.
<meta/> Defines if the template should display the meta information of the included fact.
<id/> Displays the InfoID of the included fact.

Displays the version of the included fact.


(4) After you are ready, click on the "Publish" button.


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