Sākums > Struktūra > English > Manuals > User Maunal > Create Content > Publishing Content (=facts)
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Publishing Content (=facts)

Until you have clicked on “publish”, other users cannot see the fact or the new version of the fact (see -> Version control system). The version number in the infoID shows “edit”.

(1) Click on “publish”

(2a) The fact is now available for permitted users to read.

(2b) In case on your platform the Guarantee Of Existence (GOE) functionality is activated, you will now be asked to assign the GOE.

users - inhalte publizieren [de] - 132917.5

At the bottom of every fact you can see the meta information. Here you can read, for example, which user has published that fact and how many versions have been already published.

Autors: Diana Filipova; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publicēja: Toby Neal (tobiasneal)
infoID: 109566.15 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 08 May. 2006 11:38
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