factline Community Server (FCS) was chosen to support communication and
distribution of information in the project "Healthy health care system"
(in German: "Gesundes Gesundheitswesen"). The project platform was
launched in December 2005.
The project:
The factline Community Server (FCS) serves as a website
and supports the communication between the project members. Moreover,
it is used for presenting project results to the public. The project is
acutally a model example for "distributed project communication".
The starting point:
The public health sector has a high employee turnover rate. The average
employee stays 6 years in his job. Staff shortage, difficult working
conditions, lack of further education and career management are among
the reasons for the high drop-out rate. It is safe to assume that the
problems will increase if current structures are not reassessed.
The objective:
The development partnership "Healthy health care system" consists of 20
organisations of the public health care sector and is realised in the
course of the EU programme "Equal". On the one hand, the project aims
at preserving, fostering and supporting the working ability of
eymployess in the health care sector. At this point, solutions will be
developed intended to allow employees to stay in their working area. On
the other hand, problems with the system and tasks which cause physical
and psychical damage and displace employees will be revealed.
project duration
December 2005
presentation of the offer
1 - 2 January 2006
workshop ("planning the platform")
January 2006
presentation of design
February 2006
training of users and platform administrators
March 2006