The system can be installed if desired on a server operated by the customer. Therefore at least the following requirements have to be fulfilled. For more details please contact Max Harnoncourt.
Requirements for the complete solutions of factline (platforms).
Operating system: all current Linux distributions and FreeBSD.
Web server / Security: Apache with OpenSSL security.
Database: PostgreSQL
Scripting language: Perl (5.0 and above)
Java VM: IBM Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.3 and above.
Since 1999 the  " factline Community Server" (FCS) is being constantly developed and most of it is based on open source components. Current release: 2.5
Requirements for the factchat module
APPLET (Client):
Processor: preferred speed 300
RAM: ~ 8MB free
Java enabled browser
JRE 1.2 (IE 4.0 / NN 4.03 / IE for Mac)
DB: PostgreSQL
RAM: 10-50 MB free
JRE (IBM or SUN) 1.3