Initial situation:
In summer 2005, the Agrarian Teacher and Consultant Training
College was faced with the task to reduce the required time of
attendance for a three-year, vocational training course dramatically.
However, the social aspect of learning should not go astray.
Subsequently, more than just replacing 50 % of the required time of
attendance with "isolated self-study of downloadable scripts" had to
The "collaborative blended learning" and "self-organized learning communities" approach, presented by factline, seemed suitable for this kind of task. Factline, with the inclusion of team consult , was assigned the task of realizing the project.

The project:
November 2005, the platform was implemented. There were 4 face-to-face
and 4 online train-the-trainer training sessions for 15 lecturers. The
collaborative learning and studying in learning communities approaches
were presented. With the help of numerous examples, the lecturers were
familiarizied with the possibilities of usage of the learn platform. The
implementation of their own ideas was accompanied by the necessary
training on the platform.
In December 2005, the new training course started and the platform was
made accessible to the students. The students were also provided with
an introduction to the platform. Moreover, responsibility for an own
area on the platform was handed over to the students intended for
supporting and encouraging them during the following three years.
Both groups, lecturers as well as students, received intensive online
support from factline between December 2005 and February 2006. They
were continuously provided with tasks relating to the usage of the
platform, individual feedback, and support. In an astonishingly short
period of time, an innovative and playful handling of the new medium
was demonstrated on the part of lecturers as well as students.
Duration of implementation:
There were only a few months between the kick-off and the launch of the platform during December 2005. In a timely manner the project of the Agrarian Teacher and Consultant Training College, was converted to be realized and adapted
to the individual needs relating to: graphics, technology, didactics, and
organization of the workshop.
October 2005: assignment
November 2005: platform is handed over
November 2005 - February 2006: train-the-trainer training
December 2005 - December 2008: duration of the new vocational training course
For the technical solution a standard platform of factline Community Server (FCS) was used. Minor graphical adaptations were made to reflect the corporate identity of the Agrarian Teacher and Consultant Training College (logo, colours).
Responsible for the project:
factline Webservices GmbH
Lotte Krisper-Ullyett (Project Management, Train-the-Trainer, Community Facilitation)
Astrid Holzhauser (Support)
team consult wien
Barbara Buchegger
Christian Schrack