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Display hidden facts
Hiding facts is quite similar to the trash bin function of many operating systems (e.g. Windows). Before deleting a fact completely, you can hide it first. The fact is still accessible via its infoID. Users who are directed to a hidden fact via a link will by notified of this circumstance by a message ("This fact has been hidden.") in the header of the fact.

If you are certain that you do not need the hidden fact anymore, you can delete it. You will find the hidden fact with the help of a special search option.


(1) Click on the "search"-button in the header of your platform.

(2) Click on "more options" in order to display all search options.

(3) In the drop-down menu in the third row, choose "Show only hidden facts".

users - suche only hidden [en] - 232009.3

(4) Click on the button "search".

(5) Click on the title of the desired fact in the list of results.

Autor: Angela Gamsriegler, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline Webservices GmbH (dokspace2)
factID: 232010.7 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 03 Aug. 2007 13:22
Verweis(e) (4):
table of contents05 Mär. 2014
Unhide content (facts)03 Sep. 2010
Hide content03 Sep. 2010
Delete options03 Sep. 2010