Arrange your individual information and communication space in the internet with a FCS platform. The FCS (factline community server) can be successfully applied in the following areas:
- e-learning
The FCS has proved itself as a learning infrastructure for educational facilities. The reasons for that are diverse possibilities for the document storage, as well as numerous communications possibilities. Thus it offers an optimal basis for a successful learning.
references: eLearning
- project communication
In contrast to the standard local project communication between team members, as an increasing of geographical separation, enterprise-wise cooperation, etc., extended requirements arise for the communication, which can not be covered by e-mail traffic anymore.
Therefore it is crucial that the content can be centrally coordinated and retrieved, so that adequate communications between several and more often separated team members can be ensured.
product sheet: project communication platform
references: project communication
- website
With FCS you have the possibility to establish a cost-efficient website. For the reason that each FCS platform is easy and rapid extensible with a great variety of applications you dont need in the first place to arrange whether you want to use your platform actually in the long run only as a classical internet presence.
references: websites
- online meetings
Meetings beyond local borders are already for quite a long time taken for granted. In addition to that there are different strategies for solutions like telephone, videophone, etc.
Now with the factchat you have further, clear and cost-efficient possibility to hold your meeting, discussion or your brainstorming. A dialog protocol will be automatically created. Furthermore all discussed contents will be saved and can be retrieved again at any time afterwards.
factchat: chat in time and space
references: online meetings
- more:
client platform: client service and offer made-to-measure content
topic platform: state and defend your topic in the internet
knowledge platform: create a knowledge network with full community features