April 26. Mai 15. 2008 WORLD-EX-POSITION ist gezeigter Partikel gegenwärtiger Prozesse. Zonen des künstlerischen wie diskursiven Transfers. Ansichten des Un/Möglichen - der Welt in einer Ausstellung. Ein openLAB in der LABfactory kombiniert mit und fortgesetzt in einer Ausstellung im OpenSpace.
kindly supported by:

(c) cuntstunt

(c) Tanya Ury. Who's Boss

| Open Space Zentrum für Kunstprojekte and LABfactory extend their collaboration and invited Alexander Nikolic to curate an exhibition to facilitate a zone of communicative transfer beyond physical borders within the realm of creative practice.
A position is taken by Alexander Nikolic, captured in his proposed title, WORLD-EX-POSITION along side with the problem in current political thinking. This emerges in the manner in which relationships of forces reveals a ticklish subject where different practices of capitalism and the regulatory institutional procedures of societies mediated. Driven forward by the fact that our critique began as all critiques begin: with doubt, in order to TO BEGIN AGAIN
FROM THE BEGINNING leaves us with what brings back the production of desire to life in its irreducible absence to our immediate sensibility. These serve and generate a need for a change, work against transformation into the elements of normalisation and resist powerful strategies of control. This haunts us with taking a deci[sion] on what cannot be decided upon by remaining faithful to a contingent event in an attempt to integrate the impossible to the reality.
(Text: Dr. Gulsen Bal)
Participant Artists & Contributions
Jesper Alvaer the banana tree stereoscope Dr. Richard Barbrook  Imaginary futures cuntstunt  Take it as a Gift! Jesse Darlin  I was a teenage porn star Lukas Pusch Vienna Vodoo Johannes Grenzfurthner - monochrom The Innermost Unifier Mario Grubisic utopia-expo Ira Hadzic  Visoko-Flying High Rudi Hübl Art & Culture Sausages Stefan Lutschinger Performer, Blogger und freier Autor. Kazimir Malevic black cross -sketch 1985 Stefan Rusu Lazo | Sars Opera | Jeres sister0  My first Burial societé réaliste Ministère de l'Architecture. MA: Temporary Free Zones. Shazalakazoo - live! breakbeat/folk/electronica. Christoph Theiler - wechselstrom Reply Tanya Ury Whos Boss| Boss Rune XLTerrestrials Transmigration Of the Telepresent Zampa di Leone  selections
for more information please visit:
| 25.04.2008 19.00 LABfactory more   film/lecture/performance sister0 My First Burial' Jessie Darlin I was a teenage porn star Live: shazalakazoo Abendmoderation: Alexander Nikolić / Thomas Jelinek DJane: White Girl
26.04.2008. 19:00 LABfactory more   performance Johannes Grenzfurthner / monochrom The innermost Unifier Abendmoderation: Alexander Nikolić / Thomas Jelinek Djane: Gudrun Brüll (SCHWESTERN BRÜLL.)
30.04.2008 21:30 LABfactory more   lecture performance Dr. Richard Barbrook Imaginary futures Abendmoderation: Stefan Lutschinger DJ: Ohrgasmus 10.05.2008 20:00 LABfactory more  streaming Laboratory XLTerrestrials Transmigration Of the Telepresent In Kooperation mit theSCREEN.tv, sonance.artistic.network und Press/Play in Detroit Abendmoderation: Alexander Nikolić / Pod p Podinski Dj Line: Alexander Nikolić / Pod p Podinski
A d m i s s i o n f r e e
LABfactory Büro für Weltausstellung Praterstrasse 42/1/3 A-1020 Wien
Open Space Zentrum für Kunstprojekte Lassingleithnerplatz 2 Schwedenplatz 1020 Wien
