Create content - alternative 1
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If you use alternative one, you create a fact in the respective . No shortcut of any kind will be created in a folder. Shortcut(s) can be added later on, of course.
There are two possibilities to access a service filing:
A) Access via main menu or options area (left column):
(1) (a) Choose a (i.e. text, news,...) from the main menu.
(b) Choose a service from the drop-down menu "Services" in the options area
(left column).
(2) (a) Click on "add" above the list.
(b) Click on "add..." in the options area.
(3) Fill in the .
(4) Click on "next >>".
(5) A group overview opens in which you have to set the
permissions (see chapter "Assign permissions to groups"). In most cases, you will be provided with
a pre-selection which you can accept or adapt according to your wishes.
(6) Click on "Preview" to check your input.
Now, you see the finished layout of your fact. In order to allow other
(permitted) users to read your fact, you must publish it (see chapter
"Publish content").
B) Access via Factlist & Search
(1) Click on "Factlist & Search".
(2) Click on "create a new fact" in the options area (left column).
(3) Choose a fact-type from the list.
(4) Continue with step 3A (see above!).