As long as you do not publish, the Information is only visible to you alone. Nevertheless, the system already reserved a new version number for this information.
| | |  | Unintentional, parallel editing is prevented. So long as a working version of an existing text is not published (i.e., it is being edited), the system doesn´t allow other users to simultaneously edit this version: A notification will inform such users that this version is currently being edited by someone else. If the user still decides to edit, the information will be saved with a new infoID. |
In order to publish information, you can either click publish directly after creating/editing it, or first work on several documents and publish them altogether in one step. For this, you have to navigate to the list of documents in the appropriate folder. There, beside every still unpublished piece of information, you see a checkbox ( ). Check all the documents that you would like to publish and click on publish all selected items beneath. |
Once the information is published, every permitted user can read it (siehe Berechtigungen für facts). Below this text you can check which user published it. The system automatically records the name of the logged on user. Every time that a text is changed and newly published, you can see the names of the logged-on users who made the changes under Published by.. |
| proceed to: Update Information |